Chicago Businesses Brace for DNC Protests, Fearing Shutdown and Violence

As the Democratic National Convention (DNC) prepares to kick off in Chicago on August 19, businesses across the city are taking significant precautions to protect their establishments from potential violence and unrest. The decision comes after local business owners voiced concerns over the likelihood of large-scale protests, similar to the disruptive demonstrations that have marred other political events in recent years.

The DNC, which will be held from August 19 to 22, is expected to draw both supporters and detractors of the Democratic Party, including various activist groups. Anticipating the possibility of confrontations and civil unrest, business owners, particularly those located near the convention venue, have begun boarding up windows and securing their properties. Some have even discussed the possibility of temporarily shutting down operations altogether to avoid being caught in the crossfire.

Scott Shapiro, the owner of a menswear store in downtown Chicago, shared his concerns with local media. "We know from past experiences that something could happen, so we want to be proactive and get ahead of it," Shapiro stated. He and other business owners are fearful that protests could turn violent, leading to property damage and loss of business. In response, many have installed plywood over their storefronts and reinforced security measures to prevent potential looting and vandalism.

Chicago officials are also taking steps to prepare for the potential fallout. The city has cleared space in its jails and extended court hours to accommodate possible mass arrests during the convention. Cook County Circuit Court Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans announced that court facilities would remain open from 8 a.m. to midnight to handle cases arising from protests. Additionally, non-essential court proceedings have been postponed to ensure that the court system can manage the anticipated influx of cases efficiently.

"We have been meeting for weeks with more than 50 people from county, city, state, and federal agencies to prepare for the possibility of multiple arrests," Judge Evans stated. "We want to make sure the police can focus on providing security and that the rights of arrested individuals are scrupulously respected."

The potential for unrest is fueled by the presence of several protest groups planning to descend on Chicago during the DNC. The "Coalition to March on the DNC," which includes approximately 200 anti-Israel groups, has already secured permits to demonstrate. The coalition plans to rally against various issues, including U.S. foreign policy and social justice concerns. Pro-Israel groups have also announced their intention to protest, setting the stage for possible confrontations between opposing factions.

The Chicago Police Department, already under scrutiny for its handling of previous protests, is on high alert. Officers have been briefed on the possibility of clashes and have been instructed to maintain order while respecting the rights of demonstrators. Despite these preparations, there is widespread concern that the protests could escalate, leading to significant disruptions in the city.

Business owners are not the only ones bracing for potential chaos. Chicago residents, particularly those living near the convention center, are also preparing for the worst. Some have taken to social media to voice their concerns about safety during the DNC, with many expressing fear of being caught in the middle of violent protests.