U.S. Seizes $13 Million Jet Belonging to Venezuela’s Maduro

In a significant move against the Venezuelan regime, the United States seized a private jet used by Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on Monday, citing violations of U.S. export control and sanctions laws. The Dassault Falcon 900EX, valued at $13 million, was confiscated in the Dominican Republic and flown to Florida. The jet has been used by Maduro and his associates, further complicating relations between Venezuela and the international community.

The aircraft, which had been stationed at the Higüero-Doctor Joaquín Balaguer International Airport in Santo Domingo since May, was seized following an investigation that revealed it had been purchased illegally.


According to U.S. officials, the plane was bought through a Caribbean-based shell company, allowing Maduro’s regime to evade an executive order that prohibits U.S. citizens from engaging in transactions with the Venezuelan government.

Attorney General Merrick Garland stated, “This seizure underscores our commitment to enforcing U.S. sanctions and export controls, ensuring that individuals like Nicolás Maduro cannot misuse American resources to undermine our national security.” The plane was tracked flying from Santo Domingo to Fort Lauderdale on Monday morning, drawing attention to the broader implications of such seizures.


The seizure also highlights ongoing tensions following Venezuela’s disputed presidential election on July 28, where Maduro claimed victory amid widespread allegations of fraud. The opposition, which asserts that their candidate won by a significant margin, has been met with repression, resulting in at least 23 deaths and over 2,400 arrests. International bodies, including the U.S. and European Union, have refused to recognize the election results, demanding transparency from the Maduro government.

This action is part of a broader U.S. strategy to pressure the Maduro regime, which has faced escalating sanctions since 2013. The Trump administration initially expanded sanctions, targeting various sectors of the Venezuelan economy, including oil, finance, and individuals linked to the regime. These sanctions have continued under the Biden administration, focusing on curtailing Maduro’s access to global financial networks.

The confiscation of Maduro’s jet is the latest in a series of U.S. actions against Venezuelan assets. These measures are intended to cripple the financial capabilities of the Maduro regime and force a return to democratic governance in Venezuela​.

As the situation in Venezuela remains volatile, the seizure of Maduro’s jet serves as a potent symbol of U.S. resolve in opposing what it sees as an illegitimate and corrupt government. The Department of Justice and Homeland Security Investigations have pledged to continue targeting assets linked to Maduro and his affiliates, further isolating the regime on the global stage.